About Me

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Hey! My name's Lauren, I'm city-born country girl who likes old-fashioned manners, old-fashioned clothing, old-fashioned cars, bright colors and patterns (especially yellow), and hanging out with friends who can make me laugh till I cry. If you want to find out more, you're gonna have to read my blog!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

5 Happy Things :D

So one of my JOY buddies, Rebecca Jane, who is totally and completely awesome, does this thing on her blog where she posts five happy things... Because she's awesome like that...

So she gave me permission to steal her idea for my blog. Here are Five Happy Things I've found on the World Wide Web that will hopefully brighten your evening!

How sweet is this? I used to be scared of getting old, but then I think of falling in love while I'm young, getting married, having children, and getting old with my husband, and still being totally happy and romantic, and I'm actually looking forward to it. Of course I'm happy to still be young, but when I see pictures like this I just get happy. You know what I mean?

Venice!!! Italy, of course. I've always wanted to go here. This shot is absolutely gorgeous -- you can almost hear the water and feel the gondola bobbing up and down. I love this sooo much!

AHHHH!!! This has got to be my favorite picture ever! The two best friends laughing so hard that they're crying -- and added to that the gorgeous lighting and the perfect spacing. It's so wonderful, and made even more so by the fact that we've all done this at one time or another. *Sigh* So amazing!

LIONS!!! I love lions. I think they're the coolest animals ever, and how can they not be, with characters like Aslan and Simba representing them? And aren't they just magnificent? So powerful. And aren't these two so sweet? Nose rub!

What can I say except "Aawwww"? And "Give her a biiig kiss!" Of course :)

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed!

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